Frequently Asked Questions

We have deliberately kept the information as concise as possible to focus your attention on the prep course. However, at the request of our support team, we will answer the most important questions.


The prep course consists of 4 video tutorials with tests that will help you master the basics of 3ds Max. It’s a custom course made by CGI School. It will help you quickly and easily understand the interface of the 3D artist’s main tool. The entire course lasts less than 4 hours, and with its help, you can easily join the ranks of CGI BootCamp and take on complex tasks.

Great question. And we will definitely answer it at an open lesson. We’ll give you a tour of the classrooms, you’ll tell us about your goals and objectives, and together we will decide if CGI BootCamp is right for you — its format, price, and the opportunities it offers. We also serve delicious coffee and cookies, so we assure you that you won’t waste your time.

At the end of each lesson, there is a series of questions equivalent to an entrance exam. They won’t be difficult to pass for those familiar with the basics of the software, and it will take just an hour. Answer these simple questions, and we will immediately enroll you in the main program.

На це ми можемо відповісти прямо зараз — навіть без кави з печивом. Ми прагнемо навчити фахівця, який в перший же день після навчання може працювати з показником не менше $14 на годину. Як це прорахувати? Дуже просто: фахівець повинен виконати завдання вартістю $100 за 7 годин. Де брати такі завдання? Ось про це ми і розповімо за кавою з печивом.

Після навчання починається найцікавіше. Ми вписуємо тебе у програму CGI BOOTCAMP. Це особливий формат навчання, який за місяць дозволяє тобі стати професіоналом. В ході курсу ти не лише навчишся малювати красиві картинки, а й відразу зможеш добре на них заробляти.

Курс буде корисний у будь-якому випадку. І якщо ти зрозумієш, що 3D – не твоє, то добре, що це сталося на такому ранньому етапі. До того, як ти вкладеш у навчання свій час. Сам по собі попередній відеокурс займає менше 4-х годин. Нарешті, знання інтерфейсу 3ds Max дозволить заощадити масу коштів. Аналогічна програма зазвичай триває в школах близько 1 місяця і коштує від 2000 грн.


We can answer this question right now – even without coffee and cookies. We want to train a specialist who can work with an hourly rate of $14 on the very first day after training. How do we calculate this? It’s simple: a specialist must complete a task worth $100 in 7 hours. Where to get such tasks? That’s what we’ll talk about at the open lesson.

That’s when the fun begins. We enroll you in the CGI BOOTCAMP program. This special training format allows you to become a professional 3D artist in a month. During the course, you will not only learn how to create beautiful images, but you’ll also be able to earn good money from them right away.

The course will be useful in any case. And if you realize that 3D is not your thing, it’s good that you did so at an early stage, before you’ve invested your time in the course. The prep video course itself takes less than 4 hours. Knowing the 3ds Max interface will save you a lot of money. A similar program in other schools usually lasts about a month and it’s not free.


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